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narrow strip
窄带材  detail>>
a narrow strip of paper
纸条子  detail>>
narrow strip mill
窄带材轧机  detail>>
strip method
带伐作业 带状法 分条法 航线法 截片法 片体法 样带法  detail>>
a narrow strip on each side of a fence
篱笆两侧的狭长地带  detail>>
clay-strip building method
泥条筑成法  detail>>
continuous strip method
铝套的连续包带法  detail>>
finite strip method
有限片体法 有限条法 有限条分法  detail>>
half-drill strip method
半斜带法  detail>>
new strip method
新切片法  detail>>
nsm (= new strip method)
新截片法  detail>>
ordinary strip method
常规切片法  detail>>
ordinary strip method (osm)
普通截片法  detail>>
paper strip method
条纸法 纸片法  detail>>